Veljko Janković
Assistant Research Professor
PhD 2018, University of Belgrade
veljko [dot] jankovic [at] scl [dot] rs
Research interests:
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of photoinduced electronic excitations in semiconductors and their heterostructures
- Light-to-charge conversion in organic solar cells on a variety of time and length scales
- Primary processes in photosynthetic solar energy conversion (excitation energy transfer and charge separation)
- Theory of open quantum systems
- Theory of ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopies
Selected publications:
- V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic: “Combination of Charge Delocalization and Disorder Enables Efficient Charge Separation at Photoexcited Organic Bilayers“, J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 10343-10359 (2018).
- V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic: “Origin of Space-separated Charges in Photoexcited Organic Heterojunctions on Ultrafast Time Scales“, Phys. Rev. B 95, 075308 (2017).
- V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic: “Nonequilibrium Optical Conductivity in Materials with Localized Electronic States“, Phys. Rev. B 90, 224201 (2014).
Born: September 23, 1990 in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
- 2014-2018 PhD studies, University of Belgrade-Faculty of Physics
Thesis advisor: Nenad Vukmirović - 2013-2014 MSc in Physics University of Belgrade-Faculty of Physics
Thesis advisor: Nenad Vukmirović - 2009-2013 BSc in Physics University of Belgrade-Faculty of Physics
International Activities
- Collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
Molecular Open Quantum Systems group (PI Dr Tomáš Mančal)
theory and simulation of photoinduced energy transfer in natural and artificial systems - COST Action MP1406 “MultiscaleSolar”
years active 2015-2019
Participation in Research Projects
- National Project ON171017 “Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Complex Many-Particle Systems”
participation since November 2014 - European Commission FP7 Project “Electronic Transport in Organic Materials” (ELECTROMAT)
participation from October 2013 to August 2015
principal investigator: Dr Nenad Vukmirović
- English (proficient user)
- Italian (independent user)
- Czech (basic user)
- External collaborator (at the level of junior teaching assistant) at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade
- 2019/20 Condensed Matter Physics (Theoretical Branch)
lecturer: Dr Darko Tanasković - 2014/15-2018/19 Quantum Statistical Physics
lecturers: Doc. Dr Mihajlo Vanević, Prof. Dr Milan Knežević, and Dr Milica Milovanović - 2013/14 Theoretical Mechanics
lecturer: Prof. Dr Sunčica Elezović-Hadžić
Scholarships and Prizes
- 2019 Student prize of the Institute of Physics Belgrade for the best doctoral thesis defended in 2018
- 2014 Prize “Prof. dr Ljubomir Ćirković” for the best master thesis defended at the Faculty of Physics
- 2012 Prize “Prof. dr Đorđe Živanović” for the best third-year students of physics
- 2013-2015 Ministry of Youth and Sports
- 2009-2013 National Foundation for Development of Science and Art Youth
- Member of the National High-School-Physics Competitions Committee
- years active 2012/13, 2015/16–2017/18
- one of the authors of theoretical problems proposed to the final-year high-school students
- one of the leaders of the Serbian national team at The 49th International Physics Olympiad (Lisbon, Portugal, July 2018)
- one of the leaders of the Serbian national team at The 48th International Physics Olympiad (Jogjakarta, Indonesia, July 2017)
- one of the leaders of the Serbian national team at The 5th Romanian Master of Physics (Bucharest, Romania, February 2016)
Research papers:
- V. Jankovic and T. Mancal:
“Exact Description of Excitonic Dynamics in Molecular Aggregates Weakly Driven by Light”
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 244122 (2020).
Supplementary material available here
doi: 10.1063/5.0029914
arxiv: 2001.07180 - V. Jankovic and T. Mancal:
“Nonequilibrium Steady-State Picture of Incoherent Light-Induced Excitation Harvesting”
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 244110 (2020).
Supplementary material available here
doi: 10.1063/5.0029918
arxiv: 2008.13395 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Energy-Temporal Pathways of Free-Charge Formation at Organic Bilayers: Competition of Delocalization, Disorder, and Polaronic Effects”
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 4378-4392 (2020).
Supporting information available here
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b10862 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Combination of Charge Delocalization and Disorder Enables Efficient Charge Separation at Photoexcited Organic Bilayers”
J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 10343-10359 (2018).
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b03114 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Identification of Ultrafast Photophysical Pathways in Photoexcited Organic Heterojunctions”
J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 19602 (2017).
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b05582
arxiv: 1709.05084 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Origin of Space-separated Charges in Photoexcited Organic Heterojunctions on Ultrafast Time Scales”
Phys. Rev. B 95, 075308 (2017).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.075308
arxiv: 1609.01501 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Dynamics of Exciton Formation and Relaxation in Photoexcited Semiconductors”
Phys. Rev. B 92, 235208 (2015).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.235208
arxiv: 1510.04858 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Nonequilibrium Optical Conductivity in Materials with Localized Electronic States”
Phys. Rev. B 90, 224201 (2014).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.224201
arxiv: 1409.2131
Conference proceedings:
- V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Light-to-Charge Conversion in Organic Photovoltaics: Mechanisms and Timescales”
Book of Abstracts, p. 38, XX Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, 7-11 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia - V. Jankovic and T. Mancal:
“A Step Towards a Comprehensive Steady-State Picture of Photosynthetic Solar Energy Conversion”
Book of Abstracts, p. 39, XX Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, 7-11 October 2019, Belgrade, Serbia - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Mechanisms and Time Scales of Free-charge Generation in Organic Photovoltaics: Hot and Fast or Cold and Slow”
Book of Abstracts, p. 44, The 7th International School and Conference on Photonics, 26-30 August 2019, Belgrade, Serbia - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Dynamics of Photoexcited Charges in Organic Heterojunctions – Insights from Theory and Simulation”
2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO) (2018) 23 – 26 July 2018, Cork, Ireland
doi: 10.1109/NANO.2018.8626331 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Importance of Carrier Delocalization and Disorder for Incoherent Charge Separation at Organic Bilayers”
E-MRS Spring Meeting, 18-22 June 2018, Strasbourg, France (2018)
Oral contribution J12.7 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Origin of Space-separated Charges in Photoexcited Organic Heterojunctions on Subpicosecond Time Scales”
Book of abstracts, p. 164, The 6th International School and Conference on Photonics, 28 August – 1 September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Nonequilibrium Electrical Transport in Materials with Localized Electronic States”
Book of Abstracts, p. 72, The 26th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors, Aachen, Germany, 13-18 September 2015 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Nonequilibrium High-frequency Conductivity in Materials with Localized Electronic States”
Book of Abstracts, p. 88, The 19th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, Belgrade, Serbia, 7-11 September 2015 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Nonequilibrium Terahertz Conductivity in Systems with Localized Electronic States”
EDISON 19, Salamanca, Spain, 29 June – 2 July 2015 (2015)
Book of Abstracts, p. 25 - V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirovic:
“Nonequilibrium Terahertz Conductivity in Materials with Localized Electronic States”
Nanoscale Quantum Optics Kick-off Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia, 9-10 April 2015. (2015)
Book of Abstracts, p. 55
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics
Quantum Statistical Physics, winter semester 2018/19
Lecturer: Dr Milica Milovanović
Teaching assistant: Veljko JankovićNOTICE: The last changes to this webpage were made on September 19, 2019, and it is not maintained anymore.Attendance at Lectures and Exercises and Homework
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics
Quantum Statistical Physics, winter semester 2018/19
Lecturer: Dr Milica Milovanović
Teaching assistant: Veljko JankovićNOTICE: The last changes to this webpage were made on September 19, 2019, and it is not maintained anymore.Attendance at Lectures and Exercises and Homework
Guidelines for the Preparation of the Oral Part of the Exam (in Serbian)
Problems Offered on Exam Sessions in Academic Year 2018/19
- January 2019
- February 2019
- June 2019 (problems with solutions)
- September 2019 (problems with solutions)
- October 2019 (problems with solutions)
Lecture Notes (in Serbian)
- Second Quantization, Second Quantization (Amended)
- Statistical Operator
- Ideal Bose and Fermi Gases
- Fermi Systems and Interactions
- Magnetism
- Superfluidity
- Superconductivity
Problem Sets (in Serbian)
The last appointment at exercises in Quantum Statistical Physics took place on December 24, 2018. From left to right: Živ Radisavljević, Veljko Janković, Jovan Markov, Stefan Joka, Željko Arsić, Jovana Ševo, Milica Aleksić, and Marija Šindik.