Ivana Vasić (Vidanović)
Associate Research Professor
PhD 2011, University of Belgrade
ivana [dot] vasic [at] scl [dot] rs
The research interests of Ivana Vasić concern development of efficient numerical methods for studying properties of quantum systems realized experimentally in the ultra-cold atomic setup. Together with her collaborators, Ivana worked on the derivation of the expressions for the improved short-time propagators and on their numerical tests. She applied the obtained results to efficient calculations of energy spectra of different physical models using two different approaches – Monte Carlo simulations and exact diagonalization of a space-discretized evolution operator. In the recent paper, Ivana investigated the consequences of nonlinear dynamics on the properties of excited collective modes of a Bose-Einstein condensate within the mean-filed framework.
Selected Publications:
- K. Plekhanov, I. Vasic, A. Petrescu, R. Nirwan, G. Roux, W. Hofstetter, and K. Le Hur: “Emergent Chiral Spin State in the Mott Phase of a Bosonic Kane-Mele-Hubbard Model“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 157201 (2018).
- A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, H. Buljan, W. Hofstetter, and A. Balaz: “Dynamics of Weakly Interacting Bosons in Optical Lattices with Flux“, Phys. Rev. A 98, 053625 (2018).
- U. Bornheimer, I. Vasic, and W. Hofstetter: “Phase Transitions of the Coherently Coupled Two-component Bose Gas in a Square Optical Lattice“, Phys. Rev. A 96, 063623 (2017).
- I. Vasic and A. Balaz: “Excitation Spectra of a Bose-Einstein Condensate with an Angular Spin-orbit Coupling“, Phys. Rev. A 94, 033627 (2016).
- T. Mertz, I. Vasic, M. J. Hartmann, and W. Hofstetter: “Photonic Currents in Driven and Dissipative Resonator Lattices“, Phys. Rev. A 94, 013809 (2016).
- I. Vasic, A. Petrescu, K. Le Hur, and W. Hofstetter: “Chiral Bosonic Phases on the Haldane Honeycomb Lattice“, Phys. Rev. B 91, 094502 (2015).
Born: February 8, 1983 in Jagodina, Serbia
E-mail: ivana [dot] vasic [at] scl [dot] rs
- 2001-2006 Faculty of Physics, Univ. of Belgrade, BSc in Physics (2006)
- 2006-2011 Faculty of Physics, Univ. of Belgrade, PhD in Physics (2011)
Professional Positions
- 2008-2012 Institute of Physics Belgrade, Research Assistant
- 2012-2014 Postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. W. Hofstetter, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt, Germany
- 2012-present Institute of Physics Belgrade, Assistant Research Professor
Research Interests
- Ultracold quantum gases and Bose-Einstein condensation
- Artificial gauge fields in optical lattices
- Collective excitation modes of cold bosonic gases
- Bosonic Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (B-DMFT)
Research projects
- 2011-2012 “Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Ultracold Bose Gases in Disordered Potentials”, bilateral Serbian-German research project
- 2011-2014 “Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Complex Physical Systems”, Serbian Ministry of Education and Science national research project ON171017
- 2009-2010 “Fast Converging Path Integral Approach to Bose-Einstein Condensation”, bilateral Serbian-German research project
- 2007-2010 “Modeling and numerical simulations of complex physical systems”, Serbian Ministry of Education and Science national research project OI141035
- 2006-2009 “CX-CMCS: EU Centre of Excellence for Computer Modeling of Complex Systems”, EU FP6 project
Research Papers:
- A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, N. Regnault, and Z. Papic:
“Quantum Scars of Bosons with Correlated Hopping”
Commun. Phys. 3, 99 (2020).
doi: 10.1038/s42005-020-0364-9
arxiv: 1910.09526 - A. Hudomal, N. Regnault, and I. Vasic:
“Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall States in Driven Optical Lattices”
Phys. Rev. A 100, 053624 (2019).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.053624
arxiv: 1908.07006 - A. Dhar, C. Baals, B. Santra, A. Mullers, R. Labouvie, T. Mertz, I. Vasic, A. Cichy, H. Ott, and W. Hofstetter:
“Transport of Strongly Correlated Bosons in an Optical Lattice”
Phys. Status Solidi B 256, 1800752 (2019).
doi: 10.1002/pssb.201800752 - A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, H. Buljan, W. Hofstetter, and A. Balaz:
“Dynamics of Weakly Interacting Bosons in Optical Lattices with Flux”
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053625 (2018).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.053625
arxiv: 1809.05125 - K. Plekhanov, I. Vasic, A. Petrescu, R. Nirwan, G. Roux, W. Hofstetter, and K. Le Hur:
“Emergent Chiral Spin State in the Mott Phase of a Bosonic Kane-Mele-Hubbard Model”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 157201 (2018).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.157201
arxiv: 1707.07037 - U. Bornheimer, I. Vasic, and W. Hofstetter:
“Phase Transitions of the Coherently Coupled Two-component Bose Gas in a Square Optical Lattice”
Phys. Rev. A 96, 063623 (2017).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.063623 - A. Geissler, I. Vasic, and W. Hofstetter:
“Condensation Versus Long-range Interaction: Competing Quantum Phases in Bosonic Optical Lattice Systems at Near-resonant Rydberg Dressing”
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063608 (2017).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.063608 - I. Vasic and A. Balaz:
“Excitation Spectra of a Bose-Einstein Condensate with an Angular Spin-orbit Coupling”
Phys. Rev. A 94, 033627 (2016).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.033627
arxiv: 1602.03538 - T. Mertz, I. Vasic, M. J. Hartmann, and W. Hofstetter:
“Photonic Currents in Driven and Dissipative Resonator Lattices”
Phys. Rev. A 94, 013809 (2016).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.013809
arxiv: 1601.07451 - I. Vasic, A. Petrescu, K. Le Hur, and W. Hofstetter:
“Chiral Bosonic Phases on the Haldane Honeycomb Lattice”
Phys. Rev. B 91, 094502 (2015).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.094502
arxiv: 1408.1411 - I. Vidanovic, D. Cocks, and W. Hofstetter:
“Dissipation Through Localized Loss in Bosonic Systems with Long-range Interactions”
Phys. Rev. A 89, 053614 (2014).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.053614
arxiv: 1402.0011 - H. Al-Jibbouri, I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
“Geometric Resonances in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Two- and Three-body Interactions”
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 065303 (2013).
doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/46/6/065303
arxiv: 1208.0991 - I. Vidanovic, N. J. van Druten, and M. Haque:
“Spin Modulation Instabilities and Phase Separation Dynamics in Trapped Two-component Bose Condensates”
New J. Phys. 15, 035008 (2013).
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/3/035008
arxiv: 1210.0030 - D. Vudragovic, I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, P. Muruganandam, and S. K. Adhikari:
“C Programs for Solving the Time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equation in a Fully Anisotropic Trap”
Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 2021 (2012).
doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.03.022
arxiv: 1206.1361 - I. Vidanovic, H. Al-Jibbouri, A. Balaz, and A. Pelster:
“Parametric and Geometric Resonances of Collective Oscillation Modes in Bose-Einstein Condensates”
Phys. Scr. T 149, 014003 (2012).
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T149/014003 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, D. Stojiljkovic, D. Vudragovic, A. Belic, and A. Bogojevic:
“SPEEDUP Code for Calculation of Transition Amplitudes Via the Effective Action Approach”
Commun. Comput. Phys. 11, 739 (2012).
doi: 10.4208/cicp.131210.180411a
arxiv: 1105.0542 - N. Moran, A. Sterdyniak, I. Vidanovic, N. Regnault, and M. V. Milovanovic:
“Topological D-wave Pairing Structures in Jain States”
Phys. Rev. B 85, 245307 (2012).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.245307 - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, H. Al-Jibbouri, and A. Pelster:
“Nonlinear Bose-Einstein-condensate Dynamics Induced by a Harmonic Modulation of the S-wave Scattering Length”
Phys. Rev. A 84, 013618 (2011).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.013618
arxiv: 1106.4686 - I. Vidanovic, S. Arsenijevic, and S. Elezovic-Hadzic:
“Force-induced Desorption of Self-avoiding Walks on Sierpinski Gasket Fractals”
Eur. Phys. J. B 81, 291 (2011).
doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2011-10906-7 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, A. Belic, and A. Pelster:
“Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials: I. Recursive Calculation of Short-Time Expansion of the Propagator”
J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp. , P03004 (2011).
doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2011/03/P03004
arxiv: 0912.2743 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, A. Belic, and A. Pelster:
“Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials: II. Generalization to Many-Body Systems and Real-Time Formalism”
J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp. , P03005 (2011).
doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2011/03/P03005
arxiv: 1011.5185 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, and A. Pelster:
“Ultra-fast Converging Path-integral Approach for Rotating Ideal Bose-Einstein Condensates”
Phys. Lett. A 374, 1539 (2010).
doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2010.01.034
arxiv: 1001.1463 - I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, A. Balaz, and A. Belic:
“Properties of Quantum Systems Via Diagonalization of Transition Amplitudes. II. Systematic Improvements of Short-time Propagation”
Phys. Rev. E 80, 066706 (2009).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.066706
arxiv: 0911.5154 - I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic, and A. Belic:
“Properties of Quantum Systems Via Diagonalization of Transition Amplitudes. I. Discretization Effects”
Phys. Rev. E 80, 066705 (2009).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.066705
arxiv: 0911.5145 - M. V. Milovanovic, T. Jolicoeur, and I. Vidanovic:
“Modified Coulomb Gas Construction of Quantum Hall States from Nonunitary Conformal Field Theories”
Phys. Rev. B 80, 155324 (2009).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155324 - A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic, I. Vidanovic, and A. Pelster:
“Recursive Schroedinger Equation Approach to Faster Converging Path Integrals”
Phys. Rev. E 79, 036701 (2009).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.036701
arxiv: 0806.4774 - A. Bogojevic, I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, and A. Belic:
“Fast Convergence of Path Integrals for Many-Body Systems”
Phys. Lett. A 372, 3341 (2008).
doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2008.01.079
arxiv: 0804.2762
- A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, H. Buljan, W. Hofstetter and A. Balaz:
“Transport in Optical Lattices with Flux”
Research Frontiers in Ultracold Quantum Gases, Bad Honnef, Germany, 17-21 December 2018 - A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, H. Buljan, W. Hofstetter and A. Balaz:
“Artificial Gauge Potentials in Periodically Driven Optical Lattices: Numerical Simulations of Atomic Transport”
DPG Spring Meeting, Erlangen, Germany, 5-9 March 2018 (2018)
Talk Q 35.1 - A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, H. Buljan, W. Hofstetter and A. Balaz:
“Transport Dynamics in Optical Lattices with Flux”
Book of abstracts, p. 52, The 6th International School and Conference on Photonics, 28 August – 1 September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia - A. Hudomal, I. Vasic, W. Hofstetter and A. Balaz:
“Transport Dynamics in Optical Lattices with Flux”
DPG Spring Meeting, Mainz, Germany, 6-10 March 2017 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Path Integrals Without Integrals”
Proceedings of the 6th Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics (2011) SFIN XXIV A1 p. 55-70; 14-23 September 2010, Belgrade, Serbia - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, H. Al-Jibbouri and A. Pelster:
“Nonlinear BEC Dynamics Induced by Harmonic Modulation of Atomic S-wave Scattering Lenght”
SFKM-2011, 18-22 April 2011, p. 55, Belgrade, Serbia (2011) - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, H. Al-Jibbouri and A. Pelster:
“Nonlinear BEC Dynamics Induced by Harmonic Modulation of Atomic S-wave Scattering Length”
DPG 2011 Conference, 13-18 March 2011, Dresden, Germany (2011)
Poster Q-57.3 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Fast Converging Path Integrals for Time-Dependent Potentials”
DPG 2010 Conference (2010) Regensburg, Germany
Presentation DY-1.3 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Short-time Effective Action Approach for Numerical Studies of Rotating Ideal BECs”
Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atoms, 4-8 May 2009 (2009) ICTP, Trieste, Italy
Poster presentation - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Ultrafast Converging Path Integral Approach for Rotating Ideal Bose Gases”
DPG 2009 Conference (2009) Dresden, Germany
Presentation DY-1.4 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
“Accelerated path-integral calculations via effective actions”
PI07 Conference (2008) 86, Dresden, Germany - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
“Systematic speedup of energy spectra calculations for many-body systems”
PI07 Conference (2008) 92, Dresden, Germany - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Calculation of Tc of 87Rb BEC using High-order Effective Actions”
Quo Vadis BEC? Conference (2008) Bad Honnef, Germany - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic and A. Bogojevic:
“Accelerated Path Integral Calculations for Many-body Systems”
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 128 (2008) 012048
Proceedings of the QTS-5 Conference, Valladolid, Spain, 22-28 July 2007
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/128/1/012048 - A. Balaz, I. Vidanovic, A. Bogojevic and A. Pelster:
“Path Integrals Without Integrals”
DPG 2008 Spring Conference (2008) Berlin, Germany
Abstract DY-29.16 - I. Vidanovic, A. Balaz, A. Bogojevic and A. Belic:
“Effective Actions for Path Integral Monte Carlo Calculations”
XVII National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM – 2007) (2007) 201, Vr?ac – Serbia - I. Vidanovic and S. Elezovic-Hadzic:
“Force-Induced Desorption of a Linear Polymer”
XVII National Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM – 2007) (2007) 172, Vr?ac – Serbia