All news

Team member change

We are happy to anounce that our team member Ana Hudomal is moving to Leeds, UK for a postdoc with our former SCL colleauge, Zlatko Papić. In her place, we are delighted to welcomе Veljko Janković as our new team member starting today. We have a lot of work to do to get Veljko up to speed, but if anyone is up to the challenging task, that’s Veljko.

We congratulate Ana on her new job, and wish her a successful stay in the UK.

End of the first quarter

It is the end of the first quarter of our project implementation. In the first three months we’ve had success in reaching a great deal with Dialog d.o.o. who will upgrade our PARADOX cluster in the next 12 weeks. We are looking forward to making use of the increased computational power. We have prepared new codes for simulations and are eager to try them out.

Key2SM Kick Off

On the 1st of August 2020, the implementation of our Project officially starts with an online kick off meeting. We are happy to anounce that everyone is doing excellent and that we are all eager to start working on our new topics. We are also looking forward to upgrading our computational cluster (PARADOX, at Scientific Computing Laboratory) so we can push our simulations ever further!